Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Stick a Fork In Hillary -- She's Done

Hillary Clinton's campaign is making a great show of being optimistic, of pointing towards March primaries in Texas and Ohio they think she can win, but it's time to face the music. Obama rolled over her tonight, winning by double-digit margins, and he'll roll over her again next week in Wisconsin. By the time Texas and Ohio come around, she'll need to win with sixty or sixty-five percent of the vote just to get back into the race, and that's not going to happen. The music has ended; this dance is over.

Personally, I think this is a good thing. By the time George W. Bush leaves office we will have had twenty years of rule by either a Bush or a Clinton. All the anguished Hillary supporters need to get over it and realize something about America: this is not a monarchy, people. It's time for some new blood.

The real question now is, does McCain stand a chance against Obama in November? The smart money is saying: when pigs fly. With McCain running as Bush-lite during this primary season in order to win the nomination, he can't possibly distance himself enough from the worst and most reviled president in history to win the general election. Unless Obama commits an unpardonable sin between now and November, we're going to make history by electing the first African-American president in history.

1 comment:

A Red Mind in a Blue State said...

Bottom line-- she never did anything on her own, and she, in the end, is not likable.

Without Bill having been President, she'd still be on the Board at Walmart, investing in some land deals, a few cattle future contracts, etc--just another liberal boomer cashing in.

Without Bill having been Governor, she wouldn't even have been that.

And tho the Democrats felt an obligation to defend his nonsense while he was "their" President, many have made it clear they don't want his baggage back--and when he went out of control in South Carolina, he reminded them even more.

Stick a fork is right--as we saw with the TV pre-emption last night, the Clintons have met their match--they look ragged, tired and now more than a little pathetic. Good riddance.