Monday, September 17, 2007

More Random Thoughts On the Day's News

Producers of the EMMY's telecast last night bleeped out Sally Field when she exclaimed "If mothers ruled the world there wouldn't be any God damned wars in the first place!" Let me see if I've got this straight: a program based upon the Mob and featuring murder and mayhem is worthy of countless EMMY awards, but taking God's name in vain is a no no.

I have no idea, other than what I've read in the paper, who this Mukasey guy is. I just know he can't possibly be a worse Attorney General than Gonzo. On the other hand, if he maintains even a semblance of independence from the president and promises to faithfully execute his office -- even if it leads to evidence of Republican malfeasance -- he may not be confirmable, because the Republicans will filibuster rather than run the risk of more indictments before the 2008 elections.

I heard on the radio of a poll of some 2000 plus Iraqi citizens in Anbar Province, a place the president insists is a beacon of light made safe by his "surge." The poll reported that 100% -- that's everyone, folks -- agreed that attacking "coalition forces" was O.K. I don't know what's more disconcerting: that every citizen in Anbar thinks it's a good idea to attack our troops, or that the administration is still trying to peddle this whole mess as a "coalition." 140,000 U.S. troops and one guy each from Poland, Argentina and Albania does not a coalition make. Even the Brits have pulled out. Can we please stop the charade and quit calling this thing a "coalition of the willing," and instead call it what it is: A "mistake of the stupid."

California has passed a law mandating hands-free kits when using a cellular phone in the car. The law doesn't take effect until July 2008, which isn't nearly soon enough for me. Just today I saw a woman driving erratically in the fast lane at fifty miles an hour in a 65 zone. Sure enough, when I passed her she was driving with her knees, talking on the phone and applying lipstick at the same time. Listen up people! A car is not the proper environment to perfect your multi-tasking skills. Hang up and drive.

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