Monday, July 16, 2007

Iran Next?

George Bush seems determined to strike another blow against Muslim fundamentalists, and it looks more and more like that blow will be against Iran. Look for Bush to "manufacture" a Gulf of Tonkin-like incident sometime in the next few months to give him his "justification" for attacking the Iranians.

My question is: why all the blather about Iran? What have they done that has such blowhards as Joe Lieberman all in a lather?

After all, the army's own intelligence suggests that Saudi nationals make up a majority of the foreign fighters in Iraq killing and maiming our soldiers. Of course, we can't attack Saudi Arabia -- George has too many friends there, and the oil companies would go apoplectic if we were to interrupt their supply of crude.

So Iran it is. The American people won't stand for it, but then we really don't have a say in the matter. Bush doesn't care what we want -- he knows he is a lame duck who can't be removed from office because Senate Republicans remain completely cowed by him. Why, I don't know. Apparently they are content to watch from the sidelines as their respective careers go down in flames along with the most wretched presidency of our time -- or any time, for that matter.

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