Friday, July 27, 2007

More Random Thoughts On the Day's News

Alberto Gonzales lies to Congress. Bolton and Meirs refuse to even acknowledge their subpeonas to appear before Congress, and are on the verge of being hit with contempt. Karl Rove is hit with a subpeona, and most certainly will likewise defy Congress. Congress asks for a special prosecutor in the attorney-gate scandel, but faces a stonewall by the Attorney General, the same guy who just proved himself a congenital lier.

Looks like we're heading towards a full-blown Constitutional crisis, folks!

Meanwhile, Aviation Week magazine reports on their website that on at least two occasions Space Shuttle pilots flew missions while so inebriated they posed a threat to shuttle safety. Why not? Airplane pilots do it, and so do bus drivers, taxi drivers, Lindsay Lohan and Nicolle Richey. At least we don't have to worry about a shuttle pilot driving his ship the wrong way down the Ventura Freeway at five in the morning.

I used to lobby for NASA to move the launch and recovery site permanantly out here to Edwards Air Force Base because we almost never suffer from the weather problems that always seem to plague the site in South Florida. I have now rethought that position. I don't want drunken shuttle pilots flying through my skies. We have enough to worry about -- what with earthquakes, fires, mudslides, global warming and drunken celebrities -- without having to fear a drunk driving incident involving tons of rocket fuel.

Finally, in case you missed it, Lindsay Lohan is back in rehab. And the national media has apparently decided that's a much more important story than the impending Constitutional crisis. Where are we going, and why are we in this handbasket?

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