Thursday, July 12, 2007

The President Thinks We're Stupid

An Open Letter to President Bush:

At your press conference today, President Bush, you said the insurgents attacking U.S. troops in Iraq "are the same one's who attacked us on September 11th."

The time has come for the media, the Democrats and any Republican with a brain to come out and label you for what you are: a bald-faced liar.

Time and again you and your administration have tried to link the September 11th terrorist attacks with Iraq when you full well know there is absolutely no evidence to that effect.

Mr. Bush, the American people may be apathetic, but we are not stupid -- we are on to you. We know you lied us into an unnecessary and unjust war. We know you are personally responsible for thousands of dead and maimed U.S. troops and hundreds of thousands of dead, innocent Iraqi civilians. We know we only went to Iraq to avenge your daddy and enrich your buddies. The blood is on your hands, sir.

And now this outrageous lie, this lie you have tried to sell us again and again: that Iraq had something to do with what was the most emotional and horrifying event in the U.S. since Pearl Harbor. To tell this lie the day after a report that the real perpetrators of that event, Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, are now as strong as they were on September 10th 2001, is unconscionable.

You have utterly failed us, sir. You failed to bring the real criminals to justice, and you failed us by invading a country that had nothing to do with our national day of infamy. And then you lie to the American people to try to cover your failures. Have you no shame?

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