Monday, August 27, 2007

Gonzo Resigns

It would be easy this morning to pick on Alberto Gonzalez, George Bush's embattled now ex-Attorney General. Notwithstanding his bumbling perjury before Congress when discussing the burgeoning prosecutor firing scandal and his knowledge (or seeming lack thereof) of his president's illegal wiretapping program, Gonzo seemed way in over his head from the get go.

His Bush-like smirk couldn't hide his base incompetence. Morale at justice had sunk to new lows, and the entire department had become dis-functional. At some point he had to go, and better late than never.

Still, the fact that a boob like Gonzo got the job in the first place only illustrates a disturbing characterization of this administration: George Bush's seeming inability to choose people with any discernible talents beyond blind loyalty.

Bush ran as the first "CEO" president, promising to run the government more like a real business. Of course, based upon his stumbling forays in the real business world, the voters might have hired a more competent CEO. George has run the nation like a business all right: he's hired people unfit for their jobs and has watched idly by as they've run the company into bankruptcy. He's borrowed more money from foreign entities than all previous "CEO's" combined. He turned a profitable company (we had a surplus when he became "CEO") into a company bleeding red ink. For God's sake, he's turned Toyota into Chrysler. Good going, George.

And he'll end up with a golden parachute at the end of his term in the form of a sizable public-paid pension, a lifetime of medical benefits and some stock options in Haliburton.

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