Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Republican Sexual Hypocrisy

So Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) has admitted to pleading guilty to misdemeanor charges resulting from his "lewd homosexual conduct" in a men's room. This comes on the heels of Senator David Vitter (R-LA) explaining why his phone number was found with prostitutes, which came on the heels of mega-church pastor Ted Haggard being forced to resign his ministry over some tawdry homosexual and drug escapades, which came on the heels of the Mark Foley (R-FL) page scandal.

And just what do all these prominent men have in common? Why, all of them are "pro-family" conservatives who claim homosexuality is a sin. All are on record as opposing gay marriage. All of them excoriated Bill Clinton for his infidelities. All of them are stinking hypocrites. Although they're human hypocrites, with all their foibles and closet skeletons, and that at least makes them a bit less unlikeable in my book.

These men are great late-night fodder for Letterman and Leno, who must look upon the GOP as a veritable "gift that keeps on giving." But then it's hard not to pile on men who denounce in public what they keep doing in private. Well, at least sometimes it's in private.

Maybe Republicans will eventually figure this out, and just say what those of us on the left have long known: there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, gays aren't a threat to heterosexuals or their quaint customs of marriage, and it was wrong to roast Bill Clinton over a spit for cheating on his wife.

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